Interested in being a volunteer on team PPIHN?
Here's some info you need to know...

Upcoming Trips
Our current focus is in the southern part of Zambia. We stay at New Day Orphanage in Mapanza, Zambia each trip, which is where our clinic is located. If you are interested in joining the team for one of these dates, let us know. We try to set exact trip dates once we have all team members set.
May 2025
We are looking for trained prosthetic professionals to join our team. Feel free to email us with questions if you are considering volunteering with this ministry. We plan months in advance for each trip, so be in communication with us if you are considering volunteering. Each volunteer must complete an application, submit references, and provide a background check.
Cost policy
Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist/Technician - Travel for prosthetic professionals who are fully trained with experience will be paid in full by PPIHN, including airline/travel tickets and lodging.
Training Prosthetist/Ancillary Professional – Training personnel such as residents, newly certified practitioners or technicians, or other professionals such as physical therapists are asked to pay for airline tickets. PPIHN will cover lodging and food costs.
Non-trained volunteer -- Volunteer who will assist the team where needed, (such as organizing supplies in the clinic, taking photos, or assigned tasks to help make prostheses), will be asked to pay in full all expenses including travel and lodging.